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Go in in a sentence

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Sentence count:255+22Posted:2017-05-31Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: come inenterget inget intogo intomove intoSimilar words: goinggo intogo in forongoingoutgoingforegoingeasygoingeasy goingMeaning: v. to come or go into. 
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151 Auctiongoers, whether novices or experienced bidders, need to go in with a budget in mind.
152 I could easily go in and request part-time work, and no one would think badly of me.
153 The caseload does not need to go in its entirety to any replacing lawyer.
154 Tommy doesn't drink, but he would go in with his pals.
155 If they go in and it turns out not to be very clever, the referendum covers their backs.
156 He moved quickly to the lounge, and stood behind the door, listening for the key to go in the latch.
157 Could you possibly spare a poster to go in their play-room,( in.html) it would be highly appropriate.
158 He was playing well enough till he reached the greens, but his putts would not go in.
159 A low interest loan from an anonymous benefactor allowed the concrete floor to go in.
160 I find that people can not comprehend why it will not go in the forthcoming legislation.
161 Then I could find the house and unlock the front door and go in and everything.
162 Flowing Wells held a one-point lead with a minute to go in the game, but Pueblo came back for the win.
163 Veronica's father was Lord Somebody-or-other, she reminded herself, and didn't the aristocracy go in for rather grand affairs?
164 Should we wait out here, or should we go in?
165 There is some way to go in all this despite the promising early signs.
166 We could go in and pass ourselves off as invited guests by being brazen.
167 Let's go in and take a look around just for the heck of it.
168 They will be the first to go in a slump.
169 Let no one be forewarned,[] to go in fear or spread rumours.
170 McAllister wanted to go in and do something, anything, to stop such a harpy from hurting him.
171 Rain and pain never go in vain! They are just tests before we see gain. RVM 
172 You don't expect to find their newest recording being knocked out at four quid a go in the cut price racks.
173 I wanted to see how far a competent man could go in politics.
174 She wanted to find mummy before mummy went in there, wanted to scream at her not to go in.
175 I get a rash every time I go in the sun.
176 Filmer could go in and out of the Westin without a sniff of fresh air, and probably had.
177 I would prefer to go in the kop, but failing that I'd like to try the new East stand.
178 I couldn't bear to go in the room with its stench of beer and vomit.
179 The kids can go in the den and raise hell without bothering us.
180 Mr Peters gave me a whole suite of wooden furniture to go in Mulberry Cottage.
More similar words: goinggo intogo in forongoingoutgoingforegoingeasygoingeasy goingkeep goinggoing concerngo into hidinggoitergoitreegoistegoismjingoismegoisticcooking oiljingoisticdo injoinloincoinpointgroinjointheroinquoinCOINSrejoin
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